We love coffee.

For this reason, we have teamed up with the regional roastery we trust to produce a premium coffee especially for our employees, customers, friends and long-time companions. In the process, we learned that not all coffee is the same and that it can taste completely different depending on its composition and degree of roasting.

Our first securities.lu blend impresses with a full-bodied, balanced and mildly fruity taste. It is suitable for a variety of coffee specialities (Café Crema, Americano, Espresso, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato, and many more).

Throughout the production process, great emphasis has been placed on sustainability and awareness. The original bean, “Bongabee“, comes from a sustainably certified coffee farm that focuses on growing and trading under fair conditions.

The coffee was deliberately roasted in small tranches at a constant temperature and with the necessary patience to obtain a high quality product in the end.

In the following video you can take a closer look at the roasting process of your coffee. We wish you a lot of fun watching and enjoying.